What is social communication therapy?
People are usually born with social thinking ability. At a young age children show the desire to connect with others. This is the infant who responds to their parent’s voice or who attempts to acquire your attention or comfort. As they grow, they point to show people what they are interested in. As their language develops they greet others, even with just one or two words. As a child progresses to elementary school their desire to connect to their peers is motivating and easy. They learn from their peers by observing and quickly picking up the social nuances. This continues to become more refined as they develop into teenagers and adults. However, for some people this ability is not innate. This is where we offer our speech language pathology expertise to help educate and guide a child in understanding his/her environment and the people in it. At the same time teaching your child to advocate for how they want to socially interact. Your child will engage with others in activities that promote group thinking and social concepts. |
Who provides therapy?
Therapy is provided by a licensed speech-language pathologist. |
Group make up?
We match students based on the right fit which includes personality, interest, challenges and strengths. We service children ages 4-12. Sessions that take place in our workplace are 45 minutes and outing sessions are approximately 1 hour. |
What are these outings?
We know therapy cannot take place in a bubble. Research shows that in order for a child to truly understand the social concepts, therapy must take place during teachable moments in their community. In these moments, the child will practice utilizing the pragmatic language required to communicate successfully. In order to support carry-over into everyday activities we offer outings throughout the semester. These outings depend on your child’s age, interest and social skill level, as well as time constraint. For our younger kids, the outings are places we can walk to, for example, the local library or a pet store. For the older children we visit museums, grocery stores, post office or cafes. We sometimes rely on public transportation to get to and from places. These are places you and your child want to experience together. |
How we support carry-over?
At the end of each session, we will email the caregiver a session summary. This handout could include activities and associated goals, social concepts and vocabulary, and carryover suggestions. |
Group Therapy: $135 per session. There is a $135 non-refundable fee for the initial Meet and Greet session. During this session we will be assessing your child’s strengths and communication challenges to determine the best group for him/her. *Screenings do not guarantee an immediate seat in the program. Their may be a waitlist for an appropriate program for your child.* |